René Bieder (*1982) is a trained Graphic designer and Art Director and self taught type designer, born and raised in Berlin. Before setting up his own studio as a type designer in 2012, he was employed in various small and large advertising agencies as an Art Director and Graphic Designer working for national and international clients. During his agency time he developed a deep interest in type design and started designing typefaces as a side project. His second commercial release has won the title "Myfonts Most popular typeface of the year 2012". Since then his typefaces were a constant on the Myfonts best seller lists. Today, you can find his work all around the world. From the Nemo Science Museum in Amsterdam to the University of Florida.
Next to his retail releases, Bieder has worked with various national and international clients such as industry giant Bahlsen, Jacobs or Volkswagen to create impactful custom brand fonts. He has worked with design studios, on behalf of their clients or with brands and in-house teams directly. With 20+ years experience in the graphic industry and 10+ years in the type world, Bieder has gained experience in all type design, type production and type implementing stages. Bieder likes to get straight to the point, keep things simple and work fast. Most of the time he works on his own but when required, includes a network of specialists.
You cannot not communicate. Especially without type. You only need a custom typeface for a visual branding and the job is done. Maybe not quite. But a custom typeface makes a significant contribution to the branding. It's as distinctive as a handwriting, as perfectly fitted as a tailored suit and as unique as a brand's personality. René will help you find and express that personality in a typeface. Take a look at what he did for other brands in the custom fonts section.
Sometimes it's the details that turn an existing font into something unique and distinctive. That's why René offers modifications on of all his library fonts. If you want to achieve a big impact with little effort, this is the way to go. Of course, the font can also be given its own name afterwards. You can find a selection of projects with modified retail fonts in the custom fonts section.
All retail typefaces support all common Western European languages by default . If you need language support for Cyrillic and Greek, please send a request. Beside language extensions it is also possible to integrate your own characters like logos, icons or something else. Please send a mail to discuss the details.
The idea for a logo determines its success or failure. The same goes for the execution. Just as with fonts, it's the subtle details that turn a good logo into a great logo. René will help you get the last ten percent of your logo right to let it shine as bright as possible.
Studio René Bieder
Eisenacher Str. 30
10781 Berlin